When Corporations Work to Also Do Good
A great article about companies that are changing the limiting beliefs surrounding what business is and can be. By Bart Houlahan Published: 4:02 AM, December 5, 2014 The traditional and outdated view that a corporation’s purpose is to maximise profits is, at best, severely limiting. At worst, it is severely destructive. This is why it […]
20 Great Examples of Socially Responsible Businesses
Great article by Nicole Fallon, Business News Daily Assistant Editor, that looks at 20 different companies, how they are creating Shared Value and how they share it daily. Think philanthropy doesn’t make a difference to your bottom line? Think again. Today’s consumers are more conscious than ever about social issues, and sometimes they’re even willing […]
Get Outside the Box
The people who are having the greatest impact upon the world challenge the box itself. In fact, you began life challenging the box. Children, including YOU, are born without a box. Children color outside the lines and look at everything completely differently than we do. We point to children as great examples of sheer creativity […]
Starbucks Plans to Send Its Employees to College for Free
Many corporations use ‘Social Responsibility’ for PR purposes and to make themselves look good to their customers to generate goodwill and increase sales. Starbucks knows what they are doing. They are clearly focused on doing well (business metrics) by doing good for their people and just launched full tuition reimbursement for their partners (employees) with […]
Dad said, “Girls Get Married”, Mom said “Stop Wasting Your Time”
Remy Jose decided to skip ‘thinking outside the box’ and challenged the box itself. It all happened because Remya’s mother fell ill during her 10th standard exams and her father was undergoing cancer treatment. She had to change three buses while going to and coming from school and spend about two hours each way. As […]